How to build a website with no IT background? - Petruth IT Solutions

How to build a website with no IT background?

Whenever people hear “build a website,” the first thing that comes into everyone’s heads is, “I don’t have an IT background, I don’t think I can do it!”

Well, guess what? It’s NOT true.

Remember the time when you didn’t know how to swim? (or maybe you still can’t swim up to now, no worries, no judgments here)  It looked scary at first because the freedom you have in breathing gets taken away from you. But when you learned how to swim, you suddenly started jumping to pools whenever you see one.

The same misconception applies when it comes to web development. Not because you don’t know how to do it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Sometimes, you have to take the initiative to learn.

Okay, Nastin, I got the initiative. Now what? How do I learn? Do I need to learn how to code?

While coding (or programming) is a great skill to master when you want to have a full-time career in building websites, there’s another tool you can use to build websites — WordPress.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a platform that allows you to build websites from the front-end. When we say front-end, it means you don’t have to type a single code. Okay, maybe if you want to customize further, you’ll eventually have to type some codes, but you get the point.

You can build a fully-functioning website without coding.

What’s the difference between hard-coded websites and those built with WordPress?

Not much. But if you’ve been using surfing the net for quite some time, you probably have encountered hundreds or thousands of websites built using WordPress.

According to statistics from WhoIsHostingThis, 455,000,000 websites on the internet are using WordPress.

That’s a HUGE number! And it only means one thing — it is credible and trusted.

If you’re wondering, a lot of Philippine businesses use WordPress too. Some include corporate websites of banks, government agencies, and even top companies.

How do I learn WordPress then?

There are lots of tutorials about WordPress on the internet. Just a Google or Youtube search will bring a lot of articles about it. And they’re great! That’s how I learned to build websites.

After 6 years of making websites, I figured that building websites are not enough. You can create the most good-looking website in the world, but if it doesn’t function according to its purpose and meets its goal, it will be wasted.

You need to apply a marketing touch.

What’s the marketing touch?

The marketing touch is what sets you apart from other websites. It’s what builds your website into a money-making machine (if done correctly). These are strategies you SHOULD apply to your site.

And we covered that precisely in our because our goal is to not just help you build a functioning website but to make sure that it does what it has to do.

It’s a 101 course, which is why it’s perfect for beginners with little to no background in it. But more than the learning, you should also learn how to apply it. That’s why we have easy-to-follow modules that allow you to do the training while watching the video.

Oh, by the way, did we mention that it only costs N500 to join the course? But we’re not running the promo for long, we might increase it anytime soon.

Wait, I have a business, can I take the course to build a website for my business?

Of course, you can! 

I’m a freelancer and want to offer this to my clients, will it work for me?

Of course, it will work for you. 

Can I start a business offering web development services after taking the course?

Of course, you can!

You see, the possibilities are limitless. The only limiting factor is your belief. Will you allow it to push you away? Or will you take the courage and find out?

The choice is yours to make.

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