Missio Nexus is an online platform dedicated to catalyzing relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community. It serves as a hub for individuals and organizations involved in church planting, evangelism, and discipleship. I have managed this website for two years.
- WordPress
- Elementor
- BuddyBoss
- Woocommerce
- Membership Access
Overall, Missio Nexus provides a centralized platform for individuals and organizations dedicated to the Great Commission, offering tools and resources to enhance collaboration and effectiveness in their mission endeavors.
// Membership Access
Users can log in or sign up to become members, gaining access to a network of peers, resources, and events.
// Events
The platform offers information on upcoming events, recaps of past events, and an event blog to keep members informed and engaged.
// Mission Jobs
A dedicated section for job postings related to mission work, assisting organizations in finding suitable candidates and helping individuals discover relevant opportunities.

Overall, Missio Nexus provides a centralized platform for individuals and organizations dedicated to the Great Commission, offering tools and resources to enhance collaboration and effectiveness in their mission endeavors.